When life doesn't exactly go to plan

I'm a very positive person and a massive part of the whole social media era is quite boastful and about painting the picture of a perfect life (I can't tell you how many times I've eaten out and not bothered taking a photo of my food because it wasn't "instagram worthy"), so I've never really written a post like this before. Now don't get me wrong, I do not want to embarrass myself by having this post come across like one of those awful 'life is hard sometimes' videos, where Zoella or Tanya Burr have filmed themselves crying for absolutely no apparent reason and uploaded it to YouTube (*CRINGE*). 

However, in the years that I've been writing this blog, I've always kept it pretty personal with anecdotes about my life and my opinions and my nights out. So in the interest of keeping it that way, I thought I'd fill you in on what's been going on the past few weeks.

So I got back from America mid-September, had loads of different catch ups and nights out with all my best friends and then waved goodbye to McDonalds in the interest of starting a new job. For any super-smart detective types, they will see that over the last couple of weeks I've been snapchatting a lot of lunches out, reorganising my room and going shopping - all in the week between the hours of 9 and 5 when you'd expect me to be at work. Well, like the title suggests, life doesn't always go to plan and so instead of starting a new career, I started a new job for only one day and then didn't go back. I should've known it was a bad sign that I wasn't even excited for my first day but I really didn't like the job, the role wasn't what they had said it would be and the office is miles away so it would cost me £25 a day in travel. I could go in to specific detail but I don't want to bore you (any more than usual anyway). So I decided to cut my losses and go in hunt of the career I actually wanted instead. Yes, I could've stayed longer than a day but it would only be to say I'd lasted longer than a day and would cost me more than it was worth. 

I think a lot of people are less fortunate than me in the respect that they don't really know what they want and so they end up stuck in jobs or relationships or cities that they're not really happy in. One of my favourite quotes of all time is by Blair Waldorf (my spirit animal) and it goes "I know what I want and I'm gonna get it". That is exactly how I aim to live my life. Being driven to go and get what you want is obviously completely down to yourself but the reason I'm lucky is because I actually know what I want in my career (and in my life) - a lot of people never really figure that out!

I'm also lucky that I have parents who support me no matter what. They know that I know my own mind and so they've never questioned my decision not to go to uni, they've never questioned my career choice and they've never questioned my drive to get myself where I want to be. They do question me on my drinking habits (my mum does not approve) but apart from that, I get nothing but support so they totally backed me on not going back to that job and looking for something else instead.

It'd be nice to say that I've spent the last 2 weeks relaxing and watching Keeping up with the Kardashians but actually I've spent all my time applying for jobs and going for interviews (I got offered all the ones I interviewed for but some of them just weren't quite what I wanted). And after only 2 weeks of unemployment, I've now got myself 2 jobs (because the one I'm really excited about is only part time); one as an editor and consulting agent for a magazine and the other in sales. So even though things haven't totally gone to plan since leaving McDonalds, I'm back on the right track now!

It was hard not to let things get me down though. About a week ago, I had just interviewed for a job that I got offered but really didn't want (so I was in a dilemma of whether to take it just for the sake of being employed or hold out for something else), I was missing McDonalds (it still doesn't quite seem real that I've left) and I was missing my little brother who's just moved to uni, leaving the house feeling very weird without him. Plus to make matters worse, I've been ill for about a month and just don't seem to be getting better!

But like I said, I'm a positive person. So to echo Georgia Nicolson (if you know, you know), here are 5 things that are very right with my life.

1. I'm about to start a new job I'm really excited about. Like I've said for ages, the magazine industry is where I want to be so I'm excited about getting that first foot in the door!

2. I have the most amazing family. They support me no matter what and even though I'm missing my brother, I'm super happy for him because it sounds like he's having an amazing time so far.

3. I have the most amazing friends. It's so rare that all 5 of us in our group are free to get together so that makes times like Amsterdam even more amazing. We literally have the best time when we're together too! We non-stop laughed our way through Katie's 21st weekend and had such an incredible time.

4. I've just booked New York for my 21st birthday! New York is and always has been my ultimate fantasy (probably born out of my obsession with Friends, Gossip girl and Sex and the city) so to go there for my 21st birthday is a dream come true! Only 262 days and counting...

5. I have plenty to look forward to. It's Staci's 21st birthday this weekend and then it's Halloween which is one of my favourite holidays! 

So when life gives you lemons, take it with a pinch of salt and a shot of tequila (my personal favourite parody of that saying) and get back out there. Because life is what you make it! Wow I should totally be a motivational speaker. If I only manage to last one day in these new jobs then maybe that's the next career path I'll consider!
