Notice of absence

You may have been wondering where I've been the past week or so seeing as I've hardly posted (or the more likely story is that you didn't even notice and just continued with your life as normal),but I had a pretty busy week last week. In a statement that should probably make me reassess my life a little more; last week I spent 6 days alternating between drunk and hungover. I thought that when I hit my twenties I might start growing up and being responsible instead of just partying but looks like that didn't happen so I'll save that for my thirties (okay, maybe forties). I kicked things off on Tuesday when me and my girls planned a nice civilized tapas dinner seeing as we were actually all free at the same time. Fast forward a couple of hours, 6 beers and 2 bottles of wine later and that descended into cocktails, then tequila and falling off our chairs and then we ended up partying until 3am. And poor Katie had work the next day at 6am! Luckily, I could spend Wednesday in bed hungover.

Then back on the horse for Thursday, which actually was a planned night out rather than a meal so I was dressed for the occasion. I went with all missguided everything in these printed shorts with mesh bodysuit over a black bralet. These mesh bodysuits are perfect for this time of year because they keep you warm enough when you're on the way out but then they don't make you too hot once you're in a bar or club. It was a funny but messy night (as my nights in rock city always are) and for the second time in a week, I spent the next day hungover.

Then back on the horse again for my 3rd night out of the week on Saturday (please don't ask where I'm even getting the money from for all these nights out). I've been excited to wear this dress for a while, after initially buying it for Staci's 21st but I ended up wearing a different one instead. I love the cross over panels and the lovely burgundy colour, however it is super awkward for a bra - even a stick on one didn't work with it! So I lived life right on the edge and went braless and added black boots and black bag. I also matched my eye make up to my dress with my Sleek sunset palette. We actually had such a funny night too; I went out with Katie and then we went for predrinks with her friend Fran who's just started uni - cue playing drinking games with her whole flat. There's nothing like finding out who's had sex in a car to really bond and get to know eachother (you can't beat a bit of never have I ever though can you?).

There was no time to lie in bed dying on Sunday though because I had to get ready and catch a train up to York to see my little brother. Plus the amazing food helped with the hangover! Obviously not cooked by Aidan (he seems to have gained a bit more common sense since going to uni but not enough that I'd trust him to cook for me). He does seem like he's really settled in though and it was really cute for us all to be reunited again. 

However, since he's been in York, it hasn't felt quite right being a family of 3 so we've got ourselves a new fourth member! Everyone, meet Bella! I've wanted a little grey kitten for at least a year now; we used to have cats but the last one died about 4 years ago so I thought it was time for a new pet. And I'm a girl who always gets what I want so despite mum and dad both saying no, I knew I'd get round them eventually. And so yesterday I finally got my wish and we went and picked up my new baby. Honestly she's so cute and tiny, I love her already! Let's see if I'm still saying that when she's scratched all my stuff to pieces...
