Smarty pants

When I finished college 2 years ago with grades BBC, I was really proud of myself and happy with my results but they never really meant much to me. I've known I never wanted to go to uni since I was about 13 so there was never really anything riding on my results (and I've felt a bigger since of achievement with the things I've accomplished since, than I did when I passed my A-levels). Me and my brother Aidan are complete chalk and cheese though (in almost every way possible actually). He's lucky because he's known what he wants to do since he was about 8 years old and so he's had his mind set on computer science at uni ever since the discussion came up. And he's a real smarty pants (he was even considered by Cambridge), which is pretty useful for whenever I break my laptop or need my cake ingredients multiplying by 5/6. So it was no surprise that on Thursday he came out of college with an amazing A*BBB (because apparently 3 A-levels just wasn't enough) and so he's heading off to York in September! Obviously we had to celebrate....

When I asked for a body chain for my birthday, I only really wanted it to wear over bikinis in Ibiza and didn't really consider wearing it over clothes but I really loved it as part of this outfit! Obviously it would only work over something plain so it looked really nice with this little black top and the black and gold perfectly matched my Valentino dupe shoes. I finished the look with this wrap-over camel skirt which is really nice but really impractical on a windy day because you end up accidentally flashing people (oops). When we go out as a family for dinner, it's normally a toss up between American or Italian. Obviously this time American won because we ended up at Rub smokehouse with plates piled high with meat. I got the chicken and waffles with pulled pork and only managed about half of it. In this battle of (wo)man vs food, food won!

You know how I said me and Aidan are chalk and cheese? Well he doesn't drink at all and as you know, I don't mind a drink every now and again (ha next joke). So seeing as he wasn't going to Rock City to celebrate his results, I thought I'd do it for him. The night was carnival themed so I thought it was only fitting that I went with bright colours! I opted for this halter neck bodysuit and then seeing as the only colour you can get away with wearing with it is black, I added black leather shorts and black boots. I went OTT colour on the make up front too by using my Sleek Romance and Sunset palettes to create this pink smoked out eye. I added loads of pink toned highlighter and then Taupe lipstick as always (because any more pink would've totally been too much). Although I don't know why I bothered doing my hair; the place was so packed and busy that it ended up a total mess by the end of the night! We had to be in crazy early so I'm pretty surprised we lasted until the end but I had such an amazing night!
