25 reasons mums are the best

I have endless people in my life who I love. I have best friends from school, best friends from college, best friends from work, my dad, my brother, my grand parents, some of my oldest friends. And yet none of them quite compare to the way I love my mum. So because it's Mother's Day on sunday (and also because I probably don't tell her enough) here are 25 reasons why mums are the best... (warning: blog post contains some seriously cute and seriously ugly throwback snaps of me and my mother dearest).

1. She supports you no matter what
Even if she knows you're in the wrong or your idea is terrible, she will stand by you anyway.

2. She's caring
All those little things your mum does to show you she cares like iron your clothes or make your lunch and no hug is as good as the one your mum gives you.

3. She always goes the extra mile
When I was at school, my mum used to make up stories and cram all my spelling test words into it and get me to spell them as she told it - it's the little things.

4. She told you you were beautiful, even when you weren't
When you were going through a spotty braces phase or you're walking around the house with no make up on and your hair scraped up, your mum will still tell you you're beautiful

5. She's endlessly funny
Most of the time in my case it's laughing at her and her ditsiness rather than at a funny joke she told but either way there's never a dull moment

6. She taught you pretty much everything you know
How to swim, how to ride a bike, how to read. Actually it was my grandma who taught me to swim despite my mum taking me every week and I don't think she's ever actually gotten over it.

7. She's a great judge of character
How is it that your mum spots your fake friends before you do? The same applies for boys who are no good.

8. She looks after you when you're ill
When I eventually move out I don't know what I'll do when I'm poorly. My mum always knows how to make it better.

9. She makes a great shopping buddy
Even if like my mum, she doesn't have a great sense of style, it's still fun to shop with her anyway. Plus she is learning.

10. She listens AND remembers
When you tell some people stories it goes in one ear and out the other but when you tell your mum she actually pays attention. Despite the fact she's probably never met any of the people you're talking about, she'll remember anyway.

11. She works hard
All that cleaning and hoovering and ironing she does that none of us all really appreciate enough. Well to be fair to me, my mum does it because she's a Monica (from Friends duh) and is obsessed with cleaning rather than because she has to so I think she must enjoy it.

12. She puts up with you
I had countless arguments with my mum when I was like 14 and wanted to go out whenever I wanted with whoever I wanted and stay out all night or when I was like 11 and ran up a massive phone bill on the land line or when I was 16 and asked for a "few people" to come round and then about 40 turned up. No matter how bad I get she still puts up with me anyway.

13. She makes a great lunch partner
And not only because she often pays. But also because you get a chance to have a proper catch up and it's easier to plan things with your mum than with your friends - they don't really have weird working patterns or busy social lives (sorry not sorry).

14. She texts like a teenager
You know that stereotype where teenagers shorten everything on text? Well it's actually mums who do that and it's actually kind of sweet.

15. She lets you make your own mistakes
Remember that time you thought that really short hair or sparkly blue eyeshadow or talking to a fuckboy was a good idea? She knew better but she allowed you to make the mistake anyway and was there to laugh about it with you once you were past it.

16. She always makes sacrifices for you
She'll always spend her money on you rather than herself and she'll always do what you want to do rather than what she does. My mum has a serious grudge from 13 years ago from when we went to cornwall and we wouldn't let her go to the Eden project (essentially a big garden centre) because we wanted to go a waterpark or something instead.

17. She gives the best advice
Because she's already been there, done that and got the t-shirt in most situations, she's probably got some pretty good advice to give you about it.

18. She wants the best for you
Whatever your goals are for your future, she will always be the one cheering you along. I've always known that I never wanted to go to uni and my mum stood by me in that decision and said that she knew I'd be successful and should do what I wanted to do. 

19. Her talents are endless
Cooking, baking, sewing you name it. I don't just mean a loose button either, my mum is quite happy to totally alter a dress at moment's notice for me.

20. She made your childhood unforgettable
All the times she would play barbies with me or play dress up or let me do some ridiculous makeup on her. Her least favourite was whenever I wanted to paint because it took about an hour to set it up, I would paint for like 15 minutes and then get bored and then it would take 2 hours to clean it all up. And yet she did it anyway.

21. She always puts in the extra effort
Whether it's helping you to research what college you want to go to, searching for job you might like in her spare time or making 18 pancakes for everyone on pancake day, there's no task too great.

22. She's always honest with you
Even when you wish she wouldn't be. Your friends might tell you that the haircut you're thinking of getting (that completely wouldn't suit you) would look nice but your mum will always be straight with you.

23. She's who you get to turn into
The saying is true that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree; me and my mum are already so similar so if I do end up turning into her as I get older then I would see myself as pretty lucky.

24. She's your number 1 fan
My mum religiously reads all my blog posts and is happy for me when I'm happy and gets excited about the things I'm excited about. When I got my job at UNiDAYS, she jumped up and down and danced around the living room with me. I think maybe she was even happier than I was.

25. She loves you unconditionally
She's one of the few people in your life who have loved you since before you were born and she will continue loving you until the end of time. So make sure you remind her more often about how much you love her too.
