Day to night: politics to party

I promise that I did actually start the day with decent looking hair but between then and taking the photos, I got caught in torrential  rain that soaked me more than just getting in the shower would've. The day actually started out nice and sunny though which explains why I chose to wore a skirt and sandals. Suddenly not such a great idea in the downpour but I think I made it work. I always find myself coming back to this shirt because I think it's the ultimate staple in any woman's wardrobe - a white shirt. I particularly love this one (river island) because it has little buttons so the sleeves can be worn rolled up for a more Springtime or casual look. Which is how I wore it today, paired with this camel striped missguided skirt. Normally I would tuck into this skirt but that made me look a bit 1950s-silhouette-esque so I left it untucked for the more casual chic look that I was going for. I added my favourite black caged sandals (new look), which actually managed to survive through the rain, and then added my white coat (missguided). I completed the look with my Marc Jacobs watch and Spirit lipstick by MAC. Then once I got home, I built myself this cute shoe rack (not from scratch of course, I mean like from the flat pack that got delivered while I was at work) because my shopping addiction means I'm always running out of storage space. Although soon enough, I'll have so much storage space that I won't even be able to fit into my room. Then I went off to vote in my very first election! It was quite exciting and made me feel like a real adult, although it wasn't as glamorous as I'd hoped because my local polling station was what I can only describe as a trailer with a paper 'polling station' poster attached.

Then I finally fixed my rain-abused hair and got ready for a typical thursday night out. I went with a monochrome outfit; my favourite black and white floral shorts (river island) and white high neck crop top (missguided) and then my wear-them-every-single-week boots (new look). I kept to the black and white theme with my makeup by choosing a classic smokey eye. I started with Snow (Lorac 2) as my base and then blended Pistol (Naked 2) through my crease and up towards my brow bone in a cat-eye shape. I took the same shade along my lower lash line aswell and blended it around the corners. I then added Charcoal (Lorac 2) to darken my crease and then added Creep (Naked) to add definition to the outer corners. I used a chubby stick black eyeliner along my outer top lash line and in a slight flick and blended it out with a brush to create this extended cat-eye shape. I used Silver (Lorac 2) as a highlight in my inner corners, tear duct and inner part of my lower lash line and then added Black (Lorac 2) round the outer part of my lower lash line and finished with mascara and false lashes. I finished with Twig lipstick by MAC - and yes I did take my makeup photo in Red bar toilets because I forgot to take it at home before I left (don't judge).

I thought I was all done with going on about politics but seeing as noone will probably mention it again for another 5 years, I figured I had a little more ranting in me. I was really happy to wake up and find out that the conservatives won by a massive majority, especially since the polls have predicted for weeks that Labour and Tories would pretty much tie. They couldn't have been more wrong seeing as Labour got their worst result since 1987, leading to Ed Miliband resigning, along with Nigel Farage,who lost his seat when UKIP only managed to win one seat and Nick Clegg. So you could say that politicians were quitting left, right and centre. I've seen so many angry Labour voters ranting on twitter about how conservative voters are pro-terrorism and that the NHS is being gotten rid of. I don't think people bothered reading the full policies before voting, seeing as the Tories plan to pump £8 billion into the NHS by 2020. Which might I add, comes with a plan as to where that money will come from. Labour policies seem to involve a lot of throwing money around that seems to have been plucked off trees or found at the bottom of rainbows. I personally think that noone can change a country in 5 years and so David Cameron deserved the chance to build on everything he's already put in place. I also don't understand why everyone has to be so aggressive like saying that conservative voters are selfish and stuff, when at the end of the day, everyone votes for what benefits them (or their children) the most, noone votes selflessly. Also, this is how a democracy works FYI, the Tories gained the most seats through the majority vote and so they're in power - atleast we live in a country where everyone gets to have their say if they want to. And I don't see why everyone is so anti David Cameron anyway, he's managed to pretty much get us out of a global recession that we were drowning in under a Labour government 5 years ago. As for everyone saying they plan to leave the country for the next 5 years, well I didn't see you going anywhere in the last 5 years. Nor did I see you tweeting to complain about our government or discuss politics so I'm pretty sure that by next week everyone will be back to tweeting about football and Kylie Jenner and guess-your-age apps (FYI, it guesses me as 23 in pretty much any photo I try). Well the grown-up debates have been fun while they lasted; rant over.
